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Writer's pictureVisionaryforChrist(VfC)

Prayers to Recover Your Spiritual Image in the Courts of Heaven

Updated: Dec 25, 2024

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In Jesus name, I petition the court of heaven this day to recover my spiritual image, glory and inheritance as a joint heir of the kingdom of God. I assign Jesus as my lawyer, the Holy Spirit as my intercessor and I come before you God the Father with the following requests that they be encoded in a legally binding document which should include the permanent injunction against lucifer, witchcraft and all messengers of wickedness to stop all destiny exchange, star theft, glory demoting activities, unconscious and conscious witchcraft working against my bloodline, descendants and my marriage in Jesus name.





Psalm 84

How lovely are Your dwelling places,O Lord of hosts!My soul longed and even yearned for the courts of the Lord;My heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God.The bird also has found a house,And the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young,Even Your altars, O Lord of hosts,My King and my God.How blessed are those who dwell in Your house!They are ever praising You. Selah.

How blessed is the man whose strength is in You,In whose heart are the highways to Zion!Passing through the valley of Baca they make it a spring;The early rain also covers it with blessings.They go from strength to strength,Every one of them appears before God in Zion.

O Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer;Give ear, O God of Jacob! Selah.Behold our shield, O God,And look upon the face of Your anointed.For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand outside.I would rather stand at the threshold of the house of my GodThan dwell in the tents of wickedness.For the Lord God is a sun and shield;The Lord gives grace and glory;No good thing does He withhold from those who walk [h]uprightly.O Lord of hosts,How blessed is the man who trusts in You!



In Jesus name, Lord God we confess our sins, transgressions and iniquity including that of our family and ancestry. In Jesus name, we renounce the antichrist, mark of the beast, oshun, olokun, the beast system, lucifer, freemasonry, islam, water worship, moon worship, sun worship, demonic earthly spirits & their earth kingdom in all dimensions, air kingdom worship including fire and any ungodly kingdom worship. Lord, we love you, I love you and I pray that my listeners hearts are softened to love you O God for who you are and not the caricature version that satan is selling.


I love you so much daddy, you mean everything to me and we are confident to stand in your courtroom as children of God, soldiers of Christ to demand our birthright in Christ. Please Lord, we agree to any factual accusation that the accuser of the brethren bring against us in your court room including ancestral witchcraft, new age spiritual practices, incest, lying, cheating, abortion, murder, promiscuity, perversion, lust, masturbation, adultery, fornication, doubt, and we ask that you overturn every evil verdict that has gone out against us in the spiritual courts by the blood of Jesus. Whether the verdict was obtained through evil dreams, visions, relationships, ancestral doorways or our willful participation, we ask that you cancel these contracts O God in Jesus name. I remove my name, the listeners’ names and names of anyone who shares DNA with us from these contracts by the blood of Jesus and burn them in the holy Ghost fire in Jesus name. In Jesus name, I obtain your righteous judgement O God on behalf of myself, family and the listeners in accordance to the correct Chronos and Kairos time of our book of destiny in Jesus name. In Jesus name, we reverse every dowry exchanged over us or our family members in the physical and spiritual realm to recognize spiritual marriages in Jesus name. In Jesus name, we are bride of Christ - both the male and female listeners are brides of Christ – so we claim that we only have one spiritual bridegroom that is Jesus and we revoke the marital contract of any evil principality, power, evil spirit or human spirit that is laying claim to us spiritually and communing with us in the astral realm, ‘The Game’, the multiple dimensions, the heavens, and demonic kingdoms in Jesus name. In Jesus name, we put on the full armour of God starting with the helmet of salvation and ending with our feet shodden the with the preparation of the gospel of peace according to Ephesians 6. In Jesus name, we renounce, disinherit, and disown spiritual children and strange children form our bloodlines, severing their placentas and spiritual cord with the sword of the spirit and burn them with fire and brimstone in Jesus name. Burn by fire you evil children, we reject you. Burn to ashes in the pit. We collect your ashes and send it to the pit. We petition the court room to destroy any spirit child or cambion left in our bloodlines in Jesus name. In Jesus name, we collect our sperm, eggs, fertility, finances, womb, godly spouses from wherever it was stored by launching missiles to destroy the holding cages or warehouse and using the angels of God to retrieve these on our behalf in Jesus name.




Psalm 106:19-20

They made a calf in Horeb

And worshiped a molten image.

Thus they exchanged their glory

For the image of an ox that eats grass.



Through this passage, we understand Lord that directly or indirectly serving false gods changes the glory of a person to an animalistic image so we confess our sins of idolatory. Please have mercy on us God in Jesus name. In Jesus name, we renounce every destiny exchange, glory transfer and star exchange done over us from the time of adam and eve to the second coming of christ. In Jesus name, we cover our spiritual and physical image in the blood of Jesus.


In Jesus name, I pull down every evil altar by fire in Jesus name. In Jesus name, Lord Jesus, we give back every false glory given to us including the head of a snake and its lying spirit.


In Jesus name, we pull down by fire,  the head of the goat including the spirit of battles, conflict, hatred, jealousy, envy, bitterness and all associated conflict creating demons in Jesus name.


In Jesus name, we pull down by fire, the head of the dog and the backsliding spirit causing us to come back to our sins like a dog returns to its vomit.


In Jesus name, we pull down by fire, the shell of a tortoise and the hardened heart that tuns against God’s word.  Turn our hearts from stone to a heart of God in Jesus name.


In Jesus name, we pull down by fire, the feathers of peacock placed upon us and its spirit, competition and comparison. In Jesus name, we stop comparisons of ourselves to others especially others doing ministry. We understand that everyone’s destiny, path and time is different so we walk our own journey and encourage others in their path.


 In Jesus name, we call back our destinies, stars, and glory from the North, South, East, West, Central direction, upward direction, downwards direction, sideways in a billion folds in Jesus name. In Jesus name, we request the same in intercession on behalf of our bloodline, family, spouses and all present and future descendants in Jesus name. In Jesus name, we renounce, close and remove all demonic portals including secular music, movies, tv series and all ancestral doorways of witchcraft, soul bondage and blockage preventing us from entering the kingdom of God.


In Jesus name, we bind with chains of fire and cast out fear, incest, molech, lying spirits, malphas, jezebel, athaliah, ahab, delilah, belial, baal, folly, the spirit of the false prophet, divination – the python, mind binding, mind control, octopus, jelly fish, squid, déjà vu, intrusive thoughts, forgetfulness, kundalini, leviathan out of our bodies, souls and spirits, straight to the abyss in Jesus name. In Jesus name, we invite wisdom, knowledge, understanding, revelation, righteousness and discernment to enter into us in Jesus name.


In Jesus name, let the angels of God including angel Michael be released right now into the listener’s abode to remove every evil veil, spiritual tattoo, witchcraft trademark, evil blanket, spiritual cloud or any blinders that will prevent your people O God from receiving this message. In Jesus name, we declare that we are heirs of Christ and we are only in covenant with The Holy One of Israel in Jesus name. In Jesus name, we dedicate ourselves, reproductive organs, and children to you O god as your vessels of righteousness in Jesus name. We love you Father so please have mercy on us and teach us how to be true Christians. In Jesus name, we reject stubbornness and the curse of the vagabond and pull down these altars by fire in Jesus name. Burn to ashes in Jesus name.




satan, we are not scared of you and you have no claim over us. We want nothing to do with you and resign from every assignment given to us from the kingdom of darkness and burn these contracts in the fire of the Holy Ghost. In Jesus name, we soak our destiny, hair, glory, star and children in the blood of Jesus. In Jesus name, I soak the children in the womb of the pregnant women listening in the blood of Jesus and reject every evil verdict of child swap, miscarriage, termination of pregnancy and loss of fetus in Jesus name. In Jesus name, I renounce every sickness, infirmity and abnormality over these children and I shield them now in the hedge of protection of God in Jesus name. In Jesus name, which every altars has planned against your baby, let them be prepared to meet the axe of God and be destroyed completely right now in Jesus name. In Jesus name, you will give birth safely in Jesus name. In Jesus name, for those that are going through marital strife, I release the messenger of God into your homes to bring love, forgiveness and joy into your homes in Jesus name.


Thank you Papa for we have obtained your righteous judgement. We understand that this is a process so we will not stop praying until we see full restoration and overflow. Even then, we will still not stop praying in general because your Word says pray without ceasing so we will continue to do so.


We love you and understand that it’s this love that will make us act right and enable us to enjoy the benefits of the kingdom of righteousness. May we not seek you because of material gain but understand that it comes as a byproduct of a relationship with you. Material gain isn’t the end all and be all so we repent for greed, selfishness and lack of focus in Jesus name……..Have your way in our lives as we continue to wage war against the forces of darkness in Jesus name. We refuse to be casualties of war but victors in Jesus name.



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