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Writer's pictureVisionaryforChrist(VfC)

SPIRITUAL SPOUSES (Part 3): Filing a Petition of DIVORCE in the Courts of Heaven

Updated: Dec 25, 2024

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Watch the Full Episode above where I speak about Bloodline rule, breaking covenants with False Pastors, and dealing with Conscious Witchcraft Parents, Guardians & Family Members, the scope of God's Leniency with Minors or young Adults, battling in the Spirit Realm, encountering God's Silence and extending Love to Human agents of darkness from afar in life threatening situations.

The enemy is gathering Family contracts anyhow he can to keep you in bondage. In a deliverance session I had last week, one of the contracts the enemy used against her was her cousin’s Abortion so you see how technical the enemy is?


 Without breaking Legal rights, demons won’t leave even if a genuine Minister of God casts them out so follow these four steps to breaking Legal rights:


Step 1: Forgive anyone who has hurt you even if you believe that they were at fault.


Step 2: I would like to advise my Truth Seekers to write down all the men and women you had any type of sexual relationship with even if it’s just kissing and break the soul ties between you two and send any soul fragments that aren’t yours back to the owner and collect soul fragments that are yours from wherever they were stored. Ask God to repair any trauma, hurt and to put your soul ties back together. Then bind and cast out the demonic spirits that entered due to this.


Step 3: You also need to confess all known and unknown sins on your behalf and that of your bloodline from your father and mother’s lineage. This would break all legal rights. Even after today, the Holy spirit will remind you of some sins so just confess, renounce and repent then destroy the associated altars and bind and cast out the spirits that entered due to these sins.


Step 4: For the ladies and men, let go of wig, weaves, dreads, braids, makeup, nail polish, any satanic designer items, demonic art collections, basically anything that will allow demons to ignore this prayer and file a successful counter petition that they have legal rights to stay. God is a just God after all and yes, he is just to everyone including demons. If he wasn’t, satan will not still be alive. To win against the kingdom of darkness, use God’s laws against the devil and don’t use God's laws against yourself is what I am saying in a nutshell.


The above four steps are crucial as part of the deliverance process and should ideally be done even before you step into the Court room to file a petition against the kingdom of darkness.





Let’s pray.

Father, we come before your you and your tribunals in the Supreme Court of heaven to file a petition against any spiritual marriage undertaken against us, our descendants and our bloodline. In Jesus name, we assign Jesus as our Lawyer and the Holy Spirit as our intercessor and witness.


In Jesus name, Father forgive the sins of the defilement of Your Word within our family and every generational and personal sin of ours including oral sex & sodomy, fantasy, seduction, lust, sexual perversion, incest, rape, polygamy, doubt, incest, pornography, masturbation, adultery, fornication, prostitution, promiscuity, & prostitution, generational abuse and generational trauma.


In Jesus name, I write a code to remove all these sins from the generational bloodlines of my father and mother’s lineage and also from any lineage and bloodline we caused havoc in.



In Jesus name, May the courts of heaven be seated according to “Daniel 7:10. It is written in Isaiah 41:21 Present your case says the Lord. Bring forth your strong reasons says the King of Jacob.”

I am re-introducing myself - my spiritual name is ‘Favour and Acceptance’ because Christ has accepted me so I will always be accepted and favoured by God and men.

Matthew 22:30 states that angels neither marry nor are betrothed so any evil spirit joining me with them or bonding me with a wrong human spirit to have control over my life is illegal under the blood covenant of Jesus. This means that I can have no agreement with them. 

In Jesus name and on behalf of my family and myself, I Petition You the Judge of the living and the dead according to Acts 10:42 for a Certificate of Divorce, Permanent Injunction and divine restraining order against Human spirits that married me in the spiritual realm through the kingdom of darkness. I also raise this same petition against Lucifer, Molech, Astral spirits, destiny exchangers, sirens, mermaids, blood suckers, vampires, serpents, the entire Yoruba Pantheon, Egyptian Pantheon, Caribbean  & dancehall Pantheon, Greek Pantheon, Hindu Pantheon, Greek Pantheon, any form of spiritual marriage and spiritual children, Idolatory and witchcraft agents, overturning generational witchcraft covenants & witchcraft, personal witchcraft, curses and demanding the return of any spiritual dowry paid to marry me or any member of my bloodline including unborn children. Heavenly Father, ask satan right now to bring up all his accusations against my family and I. I ask that You throw these justifications into the deep. Father, forgive us of our past and present sins then Wash us with the Blood of Jesus and make us white as snow in Jesus name.

In Jesus name, tied to this request, I command my angels to break every ungodly embargo and right now, I erect, I write a code of godly embargo against every demonic title & position, demonic code, evil mark, spiritual tattoo, demonic jewellery including spiritual marriage wedding ring, incision, witchcraft trademark and astral magic, portals & vortex on my body, soul and spirit that is a gateway to satanic agents and that perpetuates evil covenants and curses in my life in Jesus name.

In Jesus name, Father repair any bareness, infirmity, sickness, mental disorder and anti-progress as I issue write a code now for my Angels to obtain all my treasure chests and blessings in a trillion folds from the kingdom of darkness and for our Angels to destroy any demonic code related or similar to Spiritual marriage. In Jesus name, I ask You O God that you override every curse placed on me and my bloodline, family, spouse & descendants including the curse of the Law of Fusion, the Law of Resistance and Repetition with the covenant & code of the blood of Jesus.

In Jesus name, I write a code to destroy every power that is taking my blood and virtues through these actions. In Jesus name, I command my Angels to retrieve my body parts, soul and properties from the glass, prison, warehouse, graveyard, second heaven, waters, air and wherever they are being kept in Jesus name. Mark me God with your protection so no evil power can harm me in any way AND mark me God with your symbol of ownership so no evil power can enter my dreams, soul, body, mind, spirit, home and can control, influence and manipulate my star and destiny.

In the name of Jesus, I write a code to inflame the transmission device, receptors, incantations, evil altars and sorcery that the enemy uses to transmit bad dreams, causing them to malfunction immediately. In Jesus name, I overturn every evil decree issued against me by human spirits, the fallen angels, demon hybrids, principalities, powers, and the dark princes & queens. I overturn them for the righteous judgement of Christ in Jesus name. In Jesus name, I repent of every way I disobeyed your law O God in Exodus 20:12 by failing to honour my parents while growing up and being rebellious.

In Jesus name, I repent of sins of my parents/ grand parents, bloodline, ancestors and anybody in our bloodline whether nuclear family, extended family or anybody that is married into our family for exchanging or enabling the exchange of my destiny through their actions or inactions. In Jesus name, I also repent of all my sins and that of my bloodline of including disobeying the Lord Almighty, visiting or watching false prophets, witchcraft, idolatory, horoscopes, divination, polygamy, incest, masturbation, jealousy, masturbation, envy, bitterness, strife, talkativeness, fornication, gluttony, anger and pornography. In Jesus name, I write the code to wash myself clean of the spirit of the dog, other demonic totems, lust & perverse spirits, destroying their altars, Asherah poles, high places and binding these spirits with the help of my angels, destroying their altars, Asherah poles, high places and casting them to the court room to stand judgement. In Jesus name, I declare the blood of Jesus and Power of Holy Spirit are speaking on my behalf for destiny retrieval. In Jesus name, the Holy Spirit is removing every spirit and gadget that was placed upon me or inside me or in our homes to aid a continual destiny exchange, glory theft, and star exchange and to aid witchcraft association & initiation.

Lord your Word said in “Psalm 27:10  When my father and my mother forsake me, Then the Lord will take care of me.”, in Galatians 1:15 But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb and called me through His grace, “Matthew 12:50 For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother”, “in Ephesians 4:8 Therefore He says ‘When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive and gave gifts to me’” “In Ezekiel 18:20 The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself” and “in Exodus 20:3 You shall have no other gods before Me”.


For those adults or emancipated young adults who have ownership of their lives and have parents, guardians, cousins etc who are conscious witches, sorcerers etc that are attacking you, pray this section:

In the name and by the blood of Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit, I am breaking the specific blood covenant and code that establishes my parents and grand parents as my spiritual and physical authority because I can no longer obey my parents who are walking in darkness neither can I honour my grandparent’s desire for me to be rooted in witchcraft neither can I honour their will and their evil covenants and curses over my life and that of my descendants in Jesus name. They did not create me and were just vessels used to bring me to life so why should I honour their instructions & whims over my Father in Heaven’s authority, NEVER and God Forbid!!!!! It is written in Acts 4:19 “But Peter and John answered, whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge.” Also in Acts 5:29 “But Peter and the other Apostles answered and said: We ought to obey God rather than men.” Therefore, I choose to listen to God rather than my Parents, Grandparents and Ancestors. So we just ask you God to take away every sin, and their repercussions including short life, that will come from disobeying our parents, and grandparents O Lord and members of our bloodline who do not follow your will (Exodus 20:12). The Bible said that our Father, our Mother, and Sister and Brother etc are those who obey the commandments of our Lord (Matthew 12:50). So in the name of Jesus, any sin that will come where Satan will accuse us and say we disobeyed our parents, we disobeyed our grandparents, because we chose not to follow their dark desires, and requests then O Lord, I pray now, I write a code now in Jesus name of the Blood of Jesus to forgive us and to override every sin and transgression and iniquity that is placed against my life in judgement due to my desire to follow the Lord and to disobey the people that you put as our spiritual authority (i.e. Parents, Grandparents) or people that established themselves as our spiritual authority in Jesus name (i.e. Teachers, Pastors, Prophets etc).


Everyone can resume praying from this section:

In the name of Jesus and by the blood of Jesus and by the Power of Holy Spirit, I am aligning my destiny and that of future generations under Abraham’s Lineage through the finished work of Christ on the cross. In the name and by the blood of Jesus, through this action, the basis by which that generational witchcraft covenant was made has now become illegal, null and void and the Bible says that a curse without a cause will not alight according to Proverbs 26:2.

In the name of and by the blood of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit, HENCEFORTH, I write a ‘Convenential code’ to reject the burden of astral travel, short life, untimely death, infirmity, poverty, destiny perversion, witchcraft spirits, incisions, loss of my virtues, manhood & womanhood, occult devices including mind control, destiny exchange, miscarriage, inability to bear godly children, soul and soul fragmentation & imprisonment, trauma, rejection, hatred, abandonment, spiritual marriage, evil association membership and initiations, sexual perversion, lust, flesh eaters & blood suckers, evil marks and bad luck because of the blood of Jesus Christ that has taken the curses away, and my refusal to do the will of darkness by disobeying God (this latter prayer will prevent any curse your family or anyone places on you to hold when the soul ties are broken).

In Jesus name, I ask you God to be my Spiritual father, brother, mother, grand parent, family member. In Jesus name, Holy Spirit give me wisdom and patience to navigate the relationship with my family going forward and however you want the relationship to go, guide me. In Jesus name, guide my earthly parents to genuine conversion in Christ Jesus and by faith in God through Christ Jesus.


‘It is written in Matthew 22:37-38 Jesus said to him, You should love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment.’ This is why Satan is actively working to bombard my soul with false directives and rob You Lord of your rightful place in my mind. God forbid!!!! It is written in Colossians 2:14-15, ‘Having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.’ In the name of Jesus and by the Power of the Holy Spirit, I write the code to bind and cast out Satan and all his devices and fruits in my life right now in Jesus name. In the name of Jesus and by the power of Holy Spirit, I bind and cast out the Prince of the power of the Air who rules over these entities right now. In the name of Jesus and by the power of Holy Spirit, I bind and cast out the Queen of the Water, Poverty and Molech and the Serpents assisting these entities to carry out malicious attacks against me in Jesus name. It is written in Job 12:21 He pours contempt on Princes and disarms the mighty. Therefore O Lord, in Jesus name and by the power of Holy Spirit and by the divine restraining order and permanent injunction against your enemies, Your enemies are our enemies O Lord, Pour contempt and disarm the witchcraft spirits, demons, demon hybrids and fallen angels, that are after me. By mocking me night and day, they are in fact mocking you Father because I don’t own a single hair on my head. You own me and I am fearfully and wonderfully made in Your own image.


Place your two hands on your head as you take the next 2 prayer points:

The first one - In the name of and by the blood of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit, I break ALL curses on my sexual organ, abdomen, head, hands, legs, stomach, nose, back, mouth, tongue, eyes,  hands, ears and any other part of my body, soul, spirit and mind!!!!!!!!

The second one - In the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit, I ask you Holy Spirit to bind, paralyze and cast out ALL demons attached to these curses in Jesus name.

(You can now drop your hands.)

In the name of Jesus, I forgive myself, my soul and my soul fragment for separating because of whatever trauma it went through, or evil covenant and I also forgive the human beings who facilitated the fragmented exchange. Lord, since my spirit, soul fragment and soul in the spirit realm has sinned against You, please reveal the manner in which the sin took place so I can fully repent and in the meantime, I’m sorry for these actions Heavenly Father.  Please forgive me. In the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit, I send Angels of God, approved by the Heavenly Father, on hunting expedition to return every counterfeit soul, spirit and soul fragments that was put inside me back to the originator and gather my spirit, soul and its fragments from the spirit realm back to the Holy spirit who will then cleanse them with the blood of Jesus and perform heavenly surgery on me, with the help of our Angels, to make me whole again. 

May all these prayers be turned into the appropriate codes to apply to my family on my father's and mother's side in Jesus name.


In the name of and by the blood of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit, I write the permanent code that my mind, glory, destiny, spiritual bank account, spiritual inheritance, spiritual gifts, body, spirit and soul are NOT open to captivity, spiritual sexual intercourse, spiritual pregnancy, crossbreeding, spiritual reproduction, evil covenants, vampires, bloodsuckers, deception, lies, slumber, mind control, manipulation false reality/fantasy, evil dreams & visions, victimhood, evil programming, membership in evil associations, spiritual marriage, astral projection, destiny exchange, poverty, lust and sexual perversion whether I’m awake or asleep. In Jesus name and by the power of the Holy Spirit, I write a code to cut off your evil cord and evil ties linking me with evil associations, fallen angels, demon hybrids, spiritual children, witchcraft spirits, satanic mind programmers, monitoring devices & spirits; evicting evil gatekeepers to the gates in my body, soul and spirit and replacing them with the Holy Spirit. In Jesus name, I write a code to destroy evil altars & evil spirits, evicting them from my bloodline and preventing them from obtaining my spiritual inheritance & godly bank account, mind, destiny, glory, star, soul and spirit in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit right now is deprogramming me and rebooting my system with the Holy Word of God by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name.



Thank you Jesus because I am free from BONDAGE in Jesus name. I seal my prayers in the blood of Jesus in Jesus name. From my Lips to God the Judge in Heaven and back down to manifestation in Jesus name. Thank you God for all that you’ve done. Have your way in our lives in Jesus name.


NOTE: This prayer should be said once a week and then you say the short version I released to everyone on this blog daily or as often as you can until you receive breakthrough. I have posted the short version of this court of heaven prayers here.



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