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A Powerful Prayer to conclude the Spiritual Spouses series. Enjoy your Divorce from Satan and Marriage to Jesus!
In the name of Jesus, Father Lord thank you for this wonderful day that we're here in your presence. Thank you oh Lord King of Kings for being our Lord, Our Saviour. Thank you Lord for being Lord of All. Lord, If there's any sin that we might have committed against you oh Lord, even the sins that we don't even know about that we've committed, please forgive us. Have mercy upon us in Jesus name. Lord in the name of Jesus, we come to seek your help regarding Astral Projection, whether it is done consciously or done unconsciously, Lord we ask for forgiveness and we pray oh Lord that every damage that has been done to the
Souls of those that are here or their family members, remedy it oh Lord, King of Kings, Let your Light shine upon every soul fragment. Every trauma that the devil used to initiate any Soul fragments, Lord heal our souls and wipe the memory clean of this traumatic events in Jesus name. Every bitterness, unforgiveness or whatever it is that has piled up on top of the trauma to cement the devil's plan, Lord
have mercy upon us and bring those Souls back together in Jesus name because we
know that that the devil first starts with the fragmentation,
that's number one to start the Mind Control so Lord in the name of
Jesus wherever the fragments of people that are here or our families are
scattered, wherever it is scattered whether it's in the water, wherever it is scattered, Lord, let the Angels, I call them forth, the
Angels of Warfare from Heaven go into whatever realm, to go into whatever place to gather up these fragments, oh God, and bring it back and begin to put it back
and heal people and put them back the way God made them in Jesus name and every attachment
that is here, I don't care whether it is a human Spirit or
an Evil Spirit that is here, so long as it's not part of you and God didn't put in your body, let the Angels of God remove them and
take them where they are supposed to be in Jesus name. Every human Spirit or Evil
Spirit that is occupying our body right now, in the name of Jesus, I pray that let
Angels of God be released into your homes right now to remove them
in Jesus name.
In the mighty name of Jesus, every counterfeit Angel that's been assigned to this day to
destroy or bring some sort of Destruction your way, I pray that let the
Angel of God overpower the Angel of Satan to destroy and dismantle every
plan and satanic Network that has been set up against our lives in Jesus name.
In the mighty name of Jesus every imitator that is in your life that is imitating either
the Holy Spirit or a Messenger of Righteousness in your life right now let
that imitator be exposed and let the fire and the wrath of God destroy them
completely in the name of Jesus. Every lie that you have believed that has allowed
the devil to have his way in your life then let that lie be exposed and let
the truth of God shine in Jesus name because the first way to defeat any
Astral magic is for you to be awake in the first place, for you to know it's happening because if you don't know it's happening then it continues so in the
name of Jesus, everything that is hidden, let the Holy Spirit begin to expose it now in the name of Jesus.
Closing Portals
Lord, In Jesus name, we repent, confess our sins, renounce and denounce and destroy Evil Altars of Witchcraft & Sorcery Movie and Games, and any works of fiction, fantasy we have participated in including but not limited to those that promote Astral Projection such as Underworld, The Witcher, Empire of the Ghouls, Dungeons and Dragons, Charmed, Vampire Diaries, The Originals, The Matrix, Harry Potter and the Black Panther Movie. In Jesus name, we repent, confess our sins, renounce and denounce R n B' Music, Rock and Roll, Pop Music, Country Music, any secular Music and any Music that was engineered by Satan to invoke Witchcraft, Sorcery, and Astral projection. In Jesus name, we close every portal, vortex and the gates to the Ghoul Realm, MK ULTRA, Monarch programming, mind control, mind binding, and mind torment that was opened inside of us in Jesus name. In Jesus name, we send our Angels to break the associated altars and codes that enable this demonic entry and we engineer and write unbreakable, permanent, irreversible codes to seal every doorway to demonic entry into our lives in Jesus name.
We close all the portals that enable human spirits, fallen angels and demonic beings to enter and exit our bodies at will and initiate godly portals to transport these evil beings out of our bodies, blocking them from gaining access to us again in Jesus name. In Jesus name, we call down fire to destroy every Imprisonment chamber where our souls have been captured, The Book of the Dead, every Army of the undead, the undead Empire of Ghouls, Shadow Hunters, The Iyalode coven, any bloodline coven, the entire Sirenic realm, the underworld, the pandemonium world, the serpentine kingdoms, the perversion kingdom, Leviathan, Beelzebub, and the banks, ports, warehouses and storage banks where our wealth, body organs, spiritual gifts, destiny, star, glory, our blood, our DNA, satan's technology, equipment, armies, and weapons are stored in the Ghoul realm, second heaven, in Atlantis, in the Indian Ocean, in Bermuda Triangle, in Planet Saturn, Niagara Falls, the Air, Celestial & Planetary kingdoms and in every other dimension in Jesus name, reclaiming our stolen properties in a trillion folds after being washed in the blood of Jesus while simultaneously causing irreversible destruction in the camp of our enemies in Jesus name.
Overthrowing Red Magic
Lord, I come against every ceremonial
magic, every magic that has been done against us that has either indoctrinated us as members of Witchcraft or as a tool for the enemy to be
using our spirit and converting our spirit to an animal or converting our spirit to different things for us to be
flying or perhaps they're using you as Aircraft or any transportation mechanism using areas of your body such as your head as their football or whatever they're using you as where you wake up to unexpected,
unexplained migraines or body pains because your body is being used as an agent of darkness, however it is that they using you,
that ceremonial magic, I break it in the name of Jesus. I light us with torchlight of the Lord and the blood of Jesus. I set fireworks of God to destroy every
ritual and ceremonial magic that been done against your life, I don't care if it was done before you were born, so long
as it is affecting your life and that of your family and that of your children then I break it now in the name of Jesus. In the
name of Jesus, every fire Mantra, the peak of
black and white magic, that's opened up a dimension against us, then in the name
of Jesus, let the Holy Ghost Fire that is greater than every fire begin to quench
every fire Mantra and every flame charm combustion that's opened against us in
Jesus name. In the name of Jesus, I shut down their radius with the Ring of the
Holy Ghost fire. In Jesus name, every Ring of Fire Magic, Red Magic and every Combustion Magic that been released against us, I extinguish it
with the tunnel of the Lord and I wipe it back to the dimension of the
inferno realm and wherever it came from in the name of Jesus. Lord, I use the
blast of the almighty to send back every evil wave, wind, smoke,
that came with the fire, I send it back to where it came from in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, every Power from the Oceanic Dimension, I don't care which ocean or water body it is, any
power from the oceanic Dimension, Ghoul realm and Sirenic realm that is affecting our lives now and that is working against our Ministries, let
the blood of Jesus, the Sword of the spirit and the Angels of warfare
begin to Smite Mami Water, Zeus, Queen of the Coast in charge of our family, Ashtoreth, Emere, Ogbanje, Sango, Ogun, all of those Sirens, all of those Divas, all of those great ladies of the sea, all those Tritons, all of them and their
works, let them be Smitten by the rod of God and be destroyed by the fireworks and by the destructive wind of the Lord, I silence them in Jesus name. Every
water that is moving against our lives or every Moon magic, Sun magic or
every planetary alignment that is not aligning in accordance to God's will in our lives then I
dismantle it from the Power Source in Jesus name. Every generator system that
is giving Santa, any other Christmas and Easter Spirit, any other Evil creatures, the demons, the unclean spirits on earth power to rule over our lives
then I shut it down in the second heaven and wherever else they put those generators in Jesus name. Let the Fire of
the Almighty God and let the Angels of God be released into those Heavenly Realms to begin to dismantle and to
torch those generator systems until they are completely dismantled along with their
satellites in Jesus name. In the name of Jesus, I begin to soak Satan's Mainframe computer in the blood
of Jesus, the computer that he needs to plug in to support all his other devices, I shut it down, I destroy it and
dismantle, obliterate it from existence in Jesus name. I smash you with the
bulldozer of the Lord in Jesus name. In the mighty name of Jesus, everything in our homes that was made in the Indian Ocean, that was made somewhere else that is serving as a
portal, I don't care if it's food, if it's cloth, whatever it is and allowing them entrance into our lives, let the
Holy Spirit right now begin to show us what it is and close and remove that portal in Jesus name. In the mighty name
of Jesus, everywhere that we or our family members have been dedicated to any satanic agent that is now giving
them free reign to pull our spirit men out of our body on Journeys that are NOT for the Lord, in the name of Jesus, I
break such covenants by the blood of Jesus, I remove our names and our family members' names from the contract
document, I eradicate it in Jesus name. I appear before the court of Heaven, the Supreme
Court of God, and His tribunals and I shut down those contracts and I begin to
decree and declare that the Lord Almighty is our God, you said Remember the Lord Our God in our youth for he gives
you the ability to produce wealth and so confirms his Covenant which he swore to our forefather Abraham (Deuteronomy 8:18)
so therefore the Lord
Almighty is our support, is our help, is our stronghold so any power that wants to become a stronghold in our
lives then that they are replacing the hand of God in our lives, let them be smashed by the hand of the Lord in Jesus name and
as we are the seed of women, we will smash every snake and every Scorpion and
every power that is in our lives, we smash their head because the Bible said that the seed of a woman bruised the
head of the serpent which we know that is Jesus so therefore as the seed of the woman, we will bruise every serpent, every scorpion
every demonic caterpillar, every cat, every dog spirit, every spirit of the rat and their loss, every spider and their web, no matter how carefully woven they are, I
dismantle all their systems and their spider web and I shut them down by the power of the Holy Ghost in
Jesus name. In the name of Jesus, I pull down the upside down Dimension by the
blood of Jesus, I destroy the Mother Gate as well in Jesus name. I also set fire on
every laboratory system that is warehousing portals to be pulling our spirit men into those portals and to be
sending us on evil assignment, I shut it down from the astral plane from every Physical Realm that it is, I shut it down
by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name. I release the Angels of God into every
satanic laboratory system both in heaven and in Earth or wherever, whichever plane it
is to go and destroy all of their equipment and burn it to ashes in the
name of Jesus. Let the hot coal of the Lord Almighty and let the sling of God
attack every Armoury that they've set up in those labs that is working against our lives in Jesus name.
Breaking Spirit Exchanges
In the name of Jesus, every Spirit exchange that's been done over our lives to bring
the spirit of another gender or the spirit of seduction into us so that we are confused about our identity, in the name of Jesus, I bind those spirits of confusion and all those
Spirits that make us confused of our identity whether we are confused because we are effeminate or because we are masculine but in a woman's body or because we seek validation from the opposite sex through fornication, lust, perversion, whatever spirit that is heralding such confusion in the church, I bind them as
one, address them as one in Chains of fire and I cast them down to the feet of Jesus to stand judgement and to be locked in a permanent prison cell for eternity in Jesus name.
Silencing Electroshock Abuse
Lord, in the name of Jesus, I silence every electroshock collar or every electroshock equipment that's been done against our
minds or our bodies to make us fragmented or to make us confused and to make our
minds ready and easy for manipulation, I shut down such systems in the name of Jesus and I bulldoze all their works by
the Fire of the Almighty in Jesus name. Let the Living Water of God flow into your brain and begin to arraign
every demonic power that is there and push them out in Jesus name and let the Living water and the blood of Jesus begin to restructure our mind to think right, to think well and to think
deep in the Lord in Jesus name.
Blocking Mind & Matter Manipulation
In the name of Jesus I bind, Vecna and their matter manipulation and every spirit that acts
like Vecna, every demonic power that has this power of matter manipulation,
regeneration, mind reading, mental realm creation, mind control, psychic projection,
pain inducements, nose bleed, headaches, I break all their curses on our lives in
Jesus name.
A lot of times when people have headaches, all these unexplainable migraines, it's because witches have been working on their minds.
It's also part of the programming of Mind Control so it's like an after effect because
strange persons are using them as Astral slaves or playing with their head/ brain in the Witchcraft covens through Astral Magic.
In the name of Jesus, any power that has the abilities of
Vecna or close to his ability, I first break all their curses off our
lives and our family by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name then I break
their Covenant and associated codes, everything that allowed them to have free reign over our minds so they can pull our souls then in
the name of Jesus, Lord please forgive us, have mercy on us. Even if it's our great-great-great grandparent that committed the sins, iniquity, transgressions, whoever
did it even if it's us oh Lord, we are sorry, have mercy upon us, oh Lord in Jesus name and we break every legal right that they have oh
Lord to our minds to manipulate and to pull our souls whereby our souls are
not even jointly aligned.
With the exception of dream thieves stealing the entire memory of your dream,
there's no reason why you cannot remember your dreams if your soul and spirit man are perfectly aligned with your body,
because your spirit will reveal the spiritual encounters to your body
so if you're not remembering your dreams, the devils are manipulating your memory for their own agenda.
In the name of Jesus, I break ever curse of dream manipulation and every curse that comes with trauma that entered immediately after
that traumatic event happened in our lives.
Even if you feel uncomfortable to talk about it because it could be rape or some harrowing experience, The Lord knows what it is so it is fine, don't worry you're not the only one
that has gone through it and God will remove the mental images stored up in your mind and he get you out of it in Jesus name. You might feel sad, you might be depressed, don't worry about it.
The devil wants you to believe that you are the only one that has gone through that,
nobody else has gone through it but it is a lie, it's part of Mind machinations. God can and will get you out. The great physician is here. I've seen God do tremendous things for so many people. No matter how deep you are, he will pull you out
Initiating Soul Healing
Holy Spirit please, start to initiate the soul healing in Jesus name. In the
name of Jesus, the same Son of Man, Son of God that can do and undo in the name
of Jesus, I pray that let him step in here so that every damage that has been done to our lives, let the Blood of Jesus and let God begin to undo it
now in Jesus name and break every Witchcraft & Sorcery that perpetuates the mind shattering and I put our minds and souls
back together by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name. I release Angels
now as I'm praying, let them work on our brain now and begin to heal every fragment, begin to heal everything that is not right,
every misalignment, every mind fog, brain fog,
every forgetfulness, every inner working of magic & sorcery, I break it off us now
in Jesus name. In the name of Jesus, instead of confusion, let there be
clarity, let God fill in the blanks. In the name of Jesus I soak Morpheus with the blood of Jesus and every
Oneiron AKA sleep demons / dream demons that like to manipulate things to make it
look like a dream but it's not really a dream. In the name of Jesus I break that
Retardation, Dyslexia, Autism, Schizophrenia, Forgetfulness, delayed mental processing, Anxiety, Fear and every other Wicked cycle off us in Jesus name. Everywhere that Morpheus
and any Fallen Angel is operating in our lives, I break their charm, I destroy every
pathway that they are using to get into our lives and I put a closure of the Lord
to close that pathway and keep them out forever in Jesus name. I close every
portal and Vortex that is in our bodies that allows them to just enter anytime they want and leave anytime they want, I
close it by the blood of Jesus and the power of the Holy Ghost that sets even
the strongest captives free in Jesus name. God said behold I am
against your magic charms by which you Hunt Souls there like birds and I will deliver
these souls from your arms and set them free (Ezekiel 13:20-21).
God can set us free so that magic charm, that net they are using to capture Souls, I burn it to
ashes in Jesus name. I dismantle every barb wire that is being used against us using the
electricity of the Lord that dismantles every electro shock of the enemy in Jesus name. Every MK ULTRA, Monarch programming, Sleeping Curse or every other type of
mind control that's been used against us, let the blood of Jesus and the
Angels of God now begin to unravel it and destroy it even down to the cellular,
molecular level in Jesus name. In the name of Jesus, let the blood of Jesus and let the Holy Spirit
go down to our blood and blood vessels, our DNA, whatever has been tampered with
that is giving them free reign then let the Holy Ghost now begin to do
the healing that he needs to do to set us free in Jesus name.
It might not happen in one day but trust me, it will
happen. I went through so much as well and God delivered me and started teaching me how to do healing on the
soul which is Deep Deliverance. I also call it Soul deliverance and I spoke extensively about it here
In Jesus name, the Lord Almighty will do Deep Deliverance on our souls
and will heal us of everywhere that our souls and our spirits are getting the
wrong signals that is interfering with our thought process and allowing us to be susceptible to mind magic in Jesus name
Preventing Psychokinetic Abilities
In the name of Jesus, every enemy that you have called
a friend, may the Lord shine his light and let you see your enemy for who they
are in Jesus name. In the name of Jesus, I reverse every poisoning that has been done on your body or your soul in Jesus name. In the mighty name of Jesus I dismantle every psychokinetic
ability that destroys the mind and that manipulates the mind in Jesus name. Let
the full armour of God because yes our armour is also a battle tool, Let the full
armour that God has given us dismantle every psychokinetic ability that is
coming against us in Jesus name. I don't care if they summon your soul through a mirror, I don't care how strong that
magic is, the Lord Almighty is stronger than every magic that will be used
against us so in Jesus name, I send my Angels to destroy every Magic Mirror operating against us or any member our bloodline in Jesus name. Every time our souls, spirit men and that of our families are summoned, let the answer be fire, we will not have to answer, the Holy Ghost Fire will answer on our behalf in Jesus
name. In the name of Jesus, every sensory deprivation
tank and Generator that is powering demons to enact mind control on the populace,
I dismantle all of their psychic powers in Jesus name. I pull it down from the
root, wherever it is buried our bodies, wherever the altar is buried in our bodies, I pull it down, I dismantle it by the Sword of the Spirit
in Jesus name. Every Mind Flayer that is messing with your mind, I bind them to
chains of fire, address them as one and cast them down to the feet of Jesus to
suffer punishment before they are now thrown into where they should go in Jesus name. Every key to the Abyss
of 666 and the associated Beast of 666, I
pull them down and I shut them down because the Bible said he gave us the KEYS to the Kingdom and whatever we bind on Earth is
bound in heaven, whatever we lose on Earth will be loose in heaven. I snatch
every key to the Abyss that is opening different doors to our souls and I burn
them to ashes in Jesus name. Every key of 888, the illuminated Messiah, I crush it
with the rod of the spirit in Jesus name. Every 999, curse of the Chroronzon, I destroy
all the curses and I also pull down that demon by fire in Jesus name. In the name
of Jesus, every Black Widow Spider, Hospital Monster and the Hellfire Club, I
soak them in the blood of Jesus and dismantle all their orchestrations in
our lives in Jesus name. In the name of Jesus, every function of Astral magic,
which includes but is not limited to Astral Light, egg of the eye, container of vision,
shell of the Soul, and the flame of the Astral Magic, I burn it
down by fire, by Thunder, by Lightning, by the Spear of God, by the arrows of God in
Jesus name. Every component of Astral Magic that is working against us, let
the almighty God shut it down from every plane of existence in Jesus name. I shut it
down from whichever plane of existence it is operating against our lives In Jesus Name.
Destroying Spell Books & Satan's Bible Schools
Lord, in the name of Jesus, I destroy every Book of Spells, Book of Lies, Book of Witchcraft, Book of Stars, Book of the Undead
that encompasses space, time, energy, matter and
I dismantle every Satanic Bible School in both the physical and the spiritual
realm in Jesus name. Every Witch that has to take the Bible to use it to
do witchcraft against us, I shut down such powers in Jesus name. By the
blood of Jesus, every Power that is cursing us and our families using the words of God, in
the name of Jesus, instead of Curse, we shall receive Blessing in Jesus name (Genesis 12:3). The Bible said
that they love to Curse and they do not like to bless, let
blessing be far from them (Psalm 107:17). We know that humans are not our enemies but the spirits that they are working with are the ones that
are controlling them so in Jesus name, we shut down everywhere that anybody is taking
Psalms or any other chapter of the Bible or Apocrypha and now reading curses into our lives, in the name of Jesus, let such Powers be
destroyed by the power and the fire of the Almighty God in Jesus name.
Everywhere that Satan has put his Bible
schools including the ones on Earth and different dimensions, I shut them down. Let the Angels of God be disseminated to
destroy all of their witchcraft in Jesus name. In Jesus name, every witchcraft that
came into our lives through our tradition, culture or that came through something we watched or a movie or
documentary, or music or news channel, that witchcraft in the music and Witchcraft in the movie and every other place that
came in through, in Jesus name, let the Holy Ghost play out that witchcraft. Let our minds now begin to play the songs of Heaven, the sounds of Heaven and begin to play out that witchcraft in Jesus name. In the name of Jesus, I seal our minds in the shield of the Almighty
God in Jesus name. I seal our minds in the shield of
the Almighty God in Jesus name. I wash every part of our mind in the blood of
Jesus in the name of Jesus and I begin to declare restoration for us in Jesus
name. Everywhere that our brain and our soul have been used against us, let the
Lord shut such wickedness down in Jesus name. I soak our medial forebrain bundle (MFB) and
the medal prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and the Nucleus Accumbens (NAc) of our brain, of our mind in the blood of Jesus. Let God begin to regulate every dopamine release in our brain, in
our mind in Jesus name and every dream that God is showing us such as
flying in the dream to show us that there's something going on to pray about then in the name of Jesus, may God
bring more elucidation so that we know exactly what to pray about and how
to tackle it in Jesus name. I break every Covenant of Unconscious Witchcraft and
Conscious Witchcraft by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name. We break every
Marriage Covenant that is fostering and festering Astral Magic in Jesus name. We divorce
Satan in every way and shape and form we are NOT Brides of Satan, we divorce you
in Jesus name. Right now, we issue Certificates of Divorce for myself, everybody
listening and our family members and our children in Jesus name. I divorce
us from every spouse, every spirit that is calling us husband or calling us wife
in Jesus name.
The devil is so
crafty right now that any spirit that he wants to attack you with, he will look for a way to forge spiritual marriage first
Spirit spouse is not just about Incubus or Succubus. Every
marriage that has been formed to give any power legal right, I break that marriage, I
overturn the spiritual dowry, I demand that it be returned to Satan and his
demons in Jesus name. Every cycle of wickedness that is going
on in our lives because of spiritual marriage then let that cycle come to an end in Jesus name and in the name of
Jesus, we are brides of Christ and so shall we remain pure and pleasing to our
Maker in Jesus name.
Thank you Lord Almighty because I know that even before
I started to pray you already know what I want, know what we need and you have already done it. Give us more Faith so that
everything that I've prayed about will come to light in Jesus name and God we know that every time we do all these
prayers, Satan always tries to come and reestablish Covenants, I break such Cycles, I dismantle them in Jesus name and let
the souls of the people oh Lord and our Spirit men be cognizant so we begin to learn how to say NO in the realm of
the spirit in Jesus name. Thank you oh Lord in Jesus name, Amen.