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The concluding Episode of The Law of Agreement comes with a riveting twist to let the Truth Seekers know how they have been unknowingly covenanting with the devil. This Episode is made up of two-part segment listed below:
Segment 1: Discussion segment on the Lord’s will and the Law of Agreement
Segment 2: Q&A Session titled ‘The Prophetess & the Intercessor’ This is a special segment where Visionary explains the differences in deposits received in the dream through such actions such as Eating in the dream and Injections in the dream. This will be an Eye opener to reveal to God’s redeemed what the Enemy did not want you to know all along so stay tuned!
Topics that will be addressed in this Series Finale:
Segment 1: The Lord's Will and the The Law of Agreement.
Receiving God’s confirmation about the messages disseminated on the Podcast.
Controlled by the Master. Accelerated information, Preventing the Messages of Jesus from being heard by everyone.
Choosing your Master, Destiny & Control.
The Return of Jesus and the End Times.
Arguing with People.
Privacy Vs Public Revelation.
The Abbreviated storyline of the Bible, Receiving Information from Jesus. The Devil’s Lies.
Contacting VisionaryforChrist (VfC) for Deliverance.
Searching for Prayers and Deliverance Ministries. False Pastors & Prophets.
Relationship between Knowledge & Deliverance. Understanding the Spiritual Rules.
Spotting False Prophets.
Setting People Free. Truth destroys certain demons. The goal of Rebirth in Christ and Spiritual Diagnosis Podcast.
The reason why it is necessary to listen to VfC’s Podcast.
How to Covenant with God, Learning Warfare Tactics & How to Defeat the Enemy.
Applying the Word of God to your Life
How God speaks to Humans, Uncontrollable Traits. The reason why God made the Law of Agreement. Free Will.
The idea behind VfC disseminating information in Piecemeal basis
Dream Interpretation, Registering for Free Deliverance Session.
Paid Consulting Service, developing Strategies for Clients, Bad Habits.
Segment 2: Q&A Segment (The Prophetess & the Intercessor) with a Truth Seeker and an Intercessor.
How the devil covenants with individuals in the dream. Dream sequence and movie scenes.
How Generational Covenants and curses are renewed. Eating in the dreams.
Difference between Eating in the dream and the Astral Realm
The Analogy of the Hidden Doorway
What to do after eating in the dream
How to Purge out Food eaten in the dream and the Astral Realm
Why the Devil loves using the ASTRAL REALM to attack. Fasting for a specific purpose.
Showering during Fasting.
More Instructions on Purging Demonic Food & Drink consumed from the Astral Realm from your body. The BLOOD OF JESUS.
The reason individuals are fed in the Dream.
Ultimate goal of Destiny Exchange. Is Breaking Generational Curses Optional?
Do Angels & Messengers of Righteousness use the Astral Realm? How did Visionary figure out the inner workings of Eating in the dream and the Astral Realm? Misconception in the body of Christ about dealing with Easting in the dream.
Injection in the Dream.
The Reason why I haven’t been updating Episodes of REBIRTH IN CHRIST Podcast.
Why you are going through turmoil and unnecessary Hardship & Rejection.
How to effectively break Dream & Astral Realm Covenants. The Devil tries to initiate Evil Covenants through overt and covert methods.
Steps to Breaking Dream & Astral Realm Covenants.
Is Breaking Dream & Astral Covenants Time Sensitive?